Download The Moonboard App
Download the free MoonBoard app. Select your board setup and check hold positions and orientation. Your app is now ready to use. You can browse thousands of problems, set your own climbs and log your ascents. Connect the app to your MoonBoard to illuminate problems on the wall as you climb. You can also log-in to your app account on your desktop here.
Moonboard App FAQ
If you have forgotten either of these then you can easily reset them by clicking "Forgot login details" on the app.
This functionality is only available by logging into your MoonBoard account via the following link: - Once you have logged in click "MOONBOARDS" in the left hand menu, followed by "EDIT/ADD".
MoonBoard Benchmark problems are curated by a small group of MoonBoard moderators. If you think a problem should be benchmarked then add it to your logbook and select this option. Our moderators periodically assess these requests and if they deem it worthy your problem will show up in the benchmark list in due course.
• Select the left menu bar (top left three line icon)
• Go to Account – and select Profile
• Near the bottom of the My Profile page is a no-yes slider for opting in to the MoonBoard community (this should be YES)
• Click the update icon at the bottom and confirm YES when asked
• You should now be able to see your ranking
How to use the app
Browse the video tutorials below to learn how to use some of the MoonBoard app's key features. Click on the image or the name to view on YouTube