Simon Weill
31 years
The Grampians!
Favourite Climbing Destination
It's a three way tie between Gariwerd(Grampians), Rocklands and the Grit!
Best Climbing Experience
Having 15 years of developing new areas and problems in Gariwerd/The Grampians.
Favourite Moon Climbing Product
Warrior Pad. I've travelled a lot with pads and treat them rough and the Warrior never dies. Best all round pad I've ever used.
What Is It About Climbing You Love
I love that it's an individual sport that is best when done with mates. Your performance is your own, but the camaraderie is what makes it the amazing sport that it is.
Career Highlights
I don't really have a particular route or boulder that I count as a highlight, I always think that the best is around the next corner, but I guess I am most proud of the thousands of new boulders that I have done. It's the adventure that I love most about climbing, looking for new challenges near and far.
When Not Climbing You Like to
Hit the mats and get into some jiujitsu. It's like wrestling boulders, but more painful...